The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces new development in dredging on the Kaw!
After review of a consultant report and completion of an Environmental Assessment (EA), the Corps was unable to conclude that there are no potentially significant impacts associated with dredging activities proposed by the dredging companies. They have determined an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be necessary before dredging operations may be reauthorized in the Kansas River. Current dredging permits have been extended through this process.
Friends of the Kaw will continue to follow this issue and let our members know when public meetings are scheduled or written comments need to be submitted.
For more information and read the Corps Press Release
More Good News Concerning Bald Eagles!
From a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wildlife biologist on the current status of nesting bald eagles in Kansas: “We currently have 73 active nests in the state which exceeds the record we set last year of 56 nests. In addition, thanks to the generosity of Westar Energy we conducted an aerial survey of the Kansas River on Tuesday. We documented 20 active nesting territories from Ft. Riley to Bonner Springs which is also an all time record.”
The photos below were submitted to Friends of the Kaw from Chance Thoman of Turner High School. They were taken in Bonner Springs and at the Turner boat ramp.