One day. One purpose. One river.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – Give here!
Friends of the Kaw Family,
I’m excited to announce our next Day of Giving, September 19, 2023. This is a special day bringing everyone together for one purpose…one goal…and one river.
Now more than ever, Friends of the Kaw (FOK) needs your support. The FOK Board of Directors and anonymous donors are challenging us to give. We have an opportunity to double our impact with a matching gift challenge. If we meet the challenge, our gifts will be matched dollar for dollar.
The goal is to raise $12,000 by midnight on September 19 to secure the $12,000 matching gift.
Donate at this link Day of Giving by September 19.
Or mail a check with “Day of Giving” in the memo line. You can give through your IRA and Donor Advised Fund:
Friends of the Kaw
P.O. Box 1612
Lawrence, KS 66044
I thank you in advance for your generous support.
For the river,
Dawn Buehler
Kansas Riverkeeper® & Executive Director
Giving Incentives
Early Birds Donate online Sept 1 – 18 and be one of five lucky winners to receive a FREE FOK membership March 1, 2024 thru February 28, 2025.
Power Hours Donate online Sept 19 between 10 am – 2 pm (central), and you could be the lucky winner of lunch with Dawn Buehler, Kansas Riverkeeper® & Executive Director. Lunch scheduled at a mutually agreed upon date/time.
Mail-in Gifts Mail a check Sept 1 – 19, and you could be the lucky winner of going on a Boat Ramp Check with Dawn Buehler, Kansas Riverkeeper® & Executive Director. Boat Ramp Check scheduled at a mutually agreed upon date/time.
Donations through IRAs and Donor Advised Funds can be delayed. Just email Jane Liebert, jane.liebert@kansasriver.org, Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving, so we can count your gift towards our total and be included in this giving incentive..
Monthly Madness Become a $10 or more monthly donor. Donate online Sept 1 – 19 and click “Recurring Gift.” This means you authorize Friends of the Kaw to automatically charge your debit/credit card each month. A $10 recurring gift = $120 a year. All new monthly recurring donors receive a Kansas River Field Guide bandana made by artist Lisa Grossman.
What is Day of Giving?
Friends of the Kaw’s online and social media fundraising event. The support from people like you – our FOK Family – is crucial to providing opportunities and advocacy for the Kansas River. Friends of the Kaw is a non-governmental public advocate. All funding comes from donors like you and grant programs.
What is a Matching Gift Challenge?
A matching gift challenge is a ‘challenge’ given to members and supporters to donate within a timeframe. If the challenge is complete, then the FOK Board and anonymous donors will match donations dollar for dollar up to $12,000. Your donation makes a difference.
Can I give before September 19?
Yes! Whether you give online or through the mail, all gifts received Sept 1 – 19 counts toward our Day of Giving.
Is it possible to participate in all Giving Incentives?
Absolutely! And we hope you try!
We’ve created great incentives to further inspire your giving.
How do I donate?
Click and donate at this link Day of Giving
Or mail a check with “Day of Giving” in the memo line:
Friends of the Kaw
P.O. Box 1612
Lawrence, KS 66044
IRA, Donor Advised Funds, and even stock accepted. For questions, email Jane Liebert, jane.liebert@kansasriver.org, Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving.
Can I give through PayPal or Venmo?
Yes! And yes!
What is the processing fee for donating online?
There is a credit card processing fee with each online donation. Please consider helping by covering the processing fees.
Donation Fee
$25 $0.75
$50 $1.49
$100 $2.99
$250 $7.47
$500 $14.93
$1,000 $29.87
What does my gift support?
Your donation supports The River Fund, which supports everything such as:
- Supplies and disposal fees for cleanups to remove old tires, battery cases, trash, refrigerators, cars, boats, etc.
- Critical advocacy to protect the river’s water quality, water quantity, prepare for climate change, reduce microplastics, and stop in-river sand and gravel mining.
- Respond to pollution events on the river and hold polluters accountable.
- Encourage a “Get Outdoors” mentality to enjoy the Kansas River with family/friends through community and beginner paddles, beginner camping, and educational experiences.
- Ecosystem restoration projects such as replacing invasive plants with native grasses to protect water quality.
- Develop the next generation of river advocates by delivering stormwater education to children.
- Purchase water quality testing equipment to measure the vitality of the Kansas River. Our actions on land affect the quality of our water. Pollutants, excessive nutrients from fertilizers, and sediment can be carried to the Kansas River from runoff.
Is my gift tax-deductible?
Yes! You will receive a tax receipt via email if you give online or through the mail.
There is an error with my transaction. What should I do?
Thank you for trying to make a gift! Sometimes switching browsers or digital devices helps. If you still need help with your gift, please email Dawn Buehler, riverkeeper@kansasriver.org, Kansas Riverkeeper & Executive Director.
Other giving opportunities
I want to give through my IRA
I want to donate stock