Our Advocacy for the Kansas River

At the heart of what we do, is our advocacy on behalf of the Kansas River. When we joined Waterkeeper Alliance in 2002, we hired a full time Kansas Riverkeeper, charged with advocating on behalf of the Kansas River. The Kansas Riverkeeper is a non-governmental public advocate that acts as the ears, eyes and voice of the Kansas River.
For decades, Friends of the Kaw has advocated against dredging in the channel of the Kansas River, protecting the water quality of the river, as well as working with communities on guaranteeing access to the river for all Kansans. In 2021, the Board of Directors of Friends of the Kaw, along with our Kansas Riverkeeper, Dawn Buehler, began to draft and approve official policy positions for our advocacy for the Kansas River. Read on to learn about the Policy Statements from Friends of the Kaw:
Pre-Amble to all Policy Statements by Friends of the Kaw
Commercial Sand Dredging Policy Statement by Friends of the Kaw
Riverfront Design Policy Statement by Friends of the Kaw
Water Injection Dredging Policy Statement by Friends of the Kaw
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy Statement by Friends of the Kaw
Climate Change Policy Statement by Friends of the Kaw
Stream Buffer Policy Statement by Friends of the Kaw