New Program – FOK Hydrocaching


Friends of the Kaw Water Quality Hydrocaching

hydrocache gpsWater Quality Hydrocaching is geocaching with a twist
Developed by Friends of the Kaw and with the help of the Mid-American Regional Council (MARC) hydrocaching uses the geocache format to help you learn about water quality in the Kansas River. Five caches are located at Kansas River boat ramps in metro Kansas City. When you find the cache you will be asked to do a simple water quality test and enter your data on this web site. If you are the one of the first ten people to find all five caches, complete the simple water quality tests, and submit your data to our site you will earn a free canoe rental for one of our group float trips. We have all the equipment you’ll need, and the Kansas River (at low water levels) is slow moving and totally appropriate for novice paddlers and families. We also have an FOK representative at each float to provide safety and basic paddling instruction as well as experienced paddlers to provide further help once you’re on the river.

To learn more or to get started, visit the FOK Hydrocache Page.

Catfish Fry and Annual Dinner

Join us for our Catfish  Fry
and  Annual Dinner!  

Thursday, September 24, 2015. Proceeds benefit
Friends of the Kaw!

Have you stood on the edge of your Kansas River and experienced its beauty?  Do you know that the Kansas River is 173 miles long and runs from
Junction City to Kaw Point in Kansas City, Kansas and provides recreation, fishing, wildlife viewing, and campingimage002 (2) on its sandbars?  Do you also know that the Kansas River is a source of drinking water for over 800,000 Kansans?

These are just a few of the many reasons why it is important to keep our river clean and healthy.  Luckily for Kansans, Friends of the Kaw and the Kansas Riverkeeper act as full time advocates for the Kansas River, working hard to protect and preserve it for future generations.  In order to continue this advocacy, we need your help.  With issues such as dredging, stormwater runoff, industrial pollution, and everything else that happens in our watershed, there is a constant threat to a healthy river system and your support is critical.

You can support Friends of the Kaw and the Kansas Riverkeeper by attending our Catfish Fry and Annual Dinner on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at Abe & Jake’s on the river in Lawrence.  Doors open at 5:45 pm. This year we are combining the Catfish Fry and the Annual Dinner and we will also be thanking Laura Calwell for her years of service as the Kansas Riverkeeper.

For only $20 you will enjoy a catfish dinner, a live band, and an auction!  To purchase tickets:

Buy online here (please note “catfish fry” in the comments area) or at

Visit Terrebonne Café

Mail a check to Friends of the Kaw, PO Box 1612, Lawrence, KS 66044

Call the Riverkeeper at  785.312.7200

Join us for a night of fun and conversation about the Kaw!  Support our work and have a great evening!  Thank you for your support!

See what’s happening!

What’s happening at Friends of the Kaw?

There is a lot happening at FOK, that’s for sure! I hope this note finds you all doing well, having enjoyed summer as we prepare for fall. Speaking of the seasons, after a very wet spring and summer, we are finally back out on the river! We have floats scheduled almost every Saturday and Sunday through the end of October. Check out below our list of floats and RSVP to reserve your spot! Fall is typically a beautiful time to be on the river…and we look forward to a great season and hope you will join us. We also have opportunities to volunteer – at events, floats, in the office – whatever you can do to help, send me an email or call the office! I’m looking forward to meeting more of you as time goes on…as always, contact me if you have questions or want to join us in any way. ~RK

Here are a few things that we want to keep you informed about:

* SAVE THE DATE! The yearly Catfish Fry is being combined with the Annual Dinner and this year’s big event will be Thursday, September 24 at Abe & Jake’s Landing in Lawrence, Kansas. Food provided by Terrebonne! Stay tuned…we will send out a special announcement when tickets are on sale and we hope to see you there!

* The Great Kaw Adventure Race on Saturday, September 26, 2015! This is a new race that has been developed by the City of Eudora and the City of DeSoto to highlight their communities and the beautiful Kansas River! Friends of the Kaw is a sponsor of the event and a beneficiary as well. This year we need to provide 10 volunteers – 5 at the boat ramp to help unload and load boats and equipment; 5 volunteers to be on the water in a kayak to offer assistance as needed. If you can volunteer, please contact your Riverkeeper!

* The Corps of Engineers is still accepting written comment on the Environmental Impact Statement through September 15!

Here is the float list – RSVP to the Riverkeeper!

Saturday, September 12 – Haskell and UMKC Science Class Floats – Eudora to DeSoto. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 4 or for more information.

Sunday, September 13 – Cleanup Float – Cedar Creek to Edwardsville, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Mid American Regional Council Grant.

Saturday, September 19 – Float with the Kansas Master Naturalist from DeSoto to Cedar Creek, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 4 or for more information.

Sunday, September 20 – Kansas Women’s Environmental Network Float from Lecompton to Lawrence from 11:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 4 or for more information.

Saturday, September 26 – The Kaw Adventure Race from Eudora to DeSoto. Volunteers Needed! Stay tuned for details and contact Dawn if you can help!

Sunday, September 27 – Cleanup Float – Turner to Kaw Point, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Unified Government of Wyandotte County Grant. This float is full!

Tuesday, September 29 – Kansas Dept. of Wildlife Parks & Tourism Float from Manhattan to St. George from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 20 or for more information.

Saturday, October 3 – Konza Rotary Float in Manhattan area from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 20 or for more information.

Sunday, October 4 – Cleanup Float – Edwardsville to Turner, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Unified Goverment Stormwater Education Grant.

Saturday, October 10 – Topeka Sierra Club Float – Wamego to Belvue, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after October 1 or for more information.

Sunday, October 11 – Shawnee Mission Unitarian Fellowship Float from DeSoto to Cedar Creek from 1:oo pm to 5:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after October 1 or for more information.

Saturday, October 17 – Lawrence High and Free State High Science Class Float from DeSoto to Cedar Creek from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after October 7 or for more information.

Sunday, October 18- Mission Community Float from DeSoto to Cedar Creek, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm . Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after October 1 or for more information.

Saturday, October 24 – Jersey Creek Tributary Cleanup, Kansas City, Kansas, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Stay tuned for details and contact the Riverkeeper if you can help!

Friends of the Kaw Members and Supporters ~ You can submit written comment through September 15

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of commercial dredging of sand and gravel from the Kansas River in the State of Kansas. 

 The existing permits for dredging, last issued in 2007, allowed for a potential annual total of 3,150,000 tons of materials to be extracted from the Kansas River. The current DA permits originally scheduled to expire on December 31, 2012 were indefinitely extended until after completion of an EIS. Five applicants are currently requesting to extract 1,900,000 tons of material per year from the river at eight locations.

Submit written comments by September 15.  Then there will be another very important opportunity for public comments when the public notice comes out with the draft Environmental Impact Statement.  We expect that to happen in late 2015 or early 2016. 


Submit Written Comments:  Questions and comments regarding the proposed action and EIS should be addressed to Mr. Brian Donahue, Regulatory Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 601 East 12th Street, Room 402, Kansas City, MO 64106; (816) 389-3703; For special needs (visual or hearing impaired, Spanish translation, etc.) requests during the scoping meetings, please call Brian Donahue by July 20, 2015.

The Federal Register Notice can be viewed here.

Read more about how dredging affects the river on the Stop Dredging page of our site.

Public Meeting Regarding Dredging of the Kaw

What will the future of the Kaw look like?


Natural & Scenic

Kaw Valley Dredge

Dredged & Degraded







Friends of the Kaw Members and Supporters ~

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of commercial dredging of sand and gravel from the Kansas River in the State of Kansas.

The existing permits for dredging, last issued in 2007, allowed for a potential annual total of 3,150,000 tons of materials to be extracted from the Kansas River. The current permits, originally scheduled to expire on December 31, 2012, were indefinitely extended until after completion of an EIS. Five applicants are currently requesting to extract 1,900,000 tons of material per year from the river at eight locations.

We are asking that you join us at the Scoping Meeting on August 4, 2015.  Public attendance at this meeting is very important and it shows that the public supports and is interested in the EIS process.  The public is invited to contribute additional information concerning the proposed project.  Statements should be supported by factual information.  Here is how you can help:

  • Attend the public meeting.  It is important to show that we have public support.
  • Attend the public meeting and present oral comments to the Corps of Engineers staff.
  • Submit written comments to the Corps of Engineers

There will be another very important opportunity for public comments when the public notice comes out with the draft Environmental Impact Statement.  We expect that to happen in late 2015 or early 2016.

Date:  A scoping meeting will be held: August 4, 2015, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Lawrence, Kansas.
Address:  The scoping meeting location is: Lawrence Public Library Auditorium, 707 Vermont Street, Lawrence, Kansas.
Submit Written Comments:  Questions and comments regarding the proposed action and EIS should be addressed to Mr. Brian Donahue, Regulatory Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at 601 East 12th Street, Room 402, Kansas City, MO 64106; (816) 389-3703; Brian Donahue. For special needs (visual or hearing impaired, Spanish translation, etc.) requests during the scoping meetings, please call Brian Donahue by July 20, 2015.
The Federal Register Notice can be viewed here.

Read about the damage dredging can cause here.

New Float Schedule

We are hopeful that the river will return to safe paddling levels…so we are gearing up for mid to late summer and early fall floats on the Kansas River! Many are cleanup floats and are FREE. Get your name on our list before they fill up!

IMG_0734Friends of the Kaw has lots of opportunities to get on the river this spring and summer. Many of the floats are paid for by grants so boat rental is free on a first come, first serve basis – participants must RSVP. For educational floats scheduled by specific groups, any boats not used are available for the public to rent. RSVPs can be made two weeks before the float date. Folks with their own boats are welcome to join any float but should RSVP to Dawn, the Kansas Riverkeeper, in case there are last minute changes.

Friday, July 3 – Mennonite Conference float from DeSoto to Cedar Creek from 2 to 5:30pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after June 19 or for more information.

Saturday, July 11 – Cleanup Float from DeSoto to Cedar Creek from 9am to 1:00pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant. This float is full! You can join us in your own canoe/kayak!

Sunday, July 12 – Cleanup Float from Lawrence to Eudora from 1:00 pm to 6:00pm. Meet at the 8th Street Access Ramp. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. We will provide transportation to take participants back to Lawrence after the float. This is an activity of our Douglas County Natural and Cultural Heritage Grant.

Saturday, July 18 – Cleanup Float – Cedar Creek to Edwardsville from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.

Sunday, July 19 – Eudora Community Float! Float begins at 1:00pm. This float is in partnership with Eudora Parks and Recreation! Sign up with Eudora Parks and Recreation!

Sunday, August 9 – Cleanup Float from Lecompton to Lawrence from 1:00 pm to 6:00pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. We will provide transportation to take participants back to Lawrence after the float. This is an activity of our Douglas County Natural and Cultural Heritage Grant.

Saturday, August 22 – U.S. Military Group, Fort Riley, Kansas. Float section undetermined right now, but will be in the upper end around Fort Riley from 10 am to 4 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after August 8 or for more information.

Saturday, September 5 – Nowland Family Float, Eudora to DeSoto, 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after August 20 or for more information.

Sunday, September 13 – Cleanup Float – Edwardsville to Turner, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Unified Government of Wyandotte County Grant.

Sunday, September 20 – Kansas Women’s Environmental Network Float from Lecompton to Lawrence from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 4 or for more information.

Sunday, September 27 – Cleanup Float – Turner to Kaw Point, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Unified Government of Wyandotte County Grant.

Saturday, October 3 – Konza Rotary Float in Manhattan area from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after September 20 or for more information.

Sunday, October 4 – Cleanup Float – Edwardsville to Turner, 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Mid American Regional Council Grant.

Sunday, October 11 – Shawnee Mission Unitarian Fellowship Float from Cedar Creek to Lecompton from 1:oo pm to 5:00 pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after October 1 or for more information.

Volunteer Paddlers Needed – 4 to 6 per event – Locations tentative:

Wednesday, July 1 from 9am to 1pm at either Wyandotte County Lake or Lake Lenexa – Wy Co Girls and Boys Club

Wednesday, July 8 from 9am to 1pm at Lake Lenexa – KCMO Boys and Girls Club

Wednesday, July 22 from 9am to 1pm at Lake Shawnee, in Topeka – Topeka Girls and Boys Club

Wednesday, July 29 from 9am to 1pm at Lake Shawnee, in Topeka – Topeka Girls and Boys Club

*We are also asking for Volunteer Float Assistants for our float trips…if you are an experienced paddlers and you have your own kayak…and you are interested in floating with Friends of the Kaw…please email the Riverkeeper for details! 

Volunteer Opportunities

Are You Interested in Becoming a Volunteer with Friends of the KAW?

We are looking to create a list of folks that are interested in volunteer work with Friends of the Kaw – if you would like to be included on an e-mail distribution list please email the Riverkeeper at We will send out an email periodically when we have volunteer opportunities and you can choose if, when and how you would like to help Friends of the Kaw!

In the meantime, while we are working on that list, we have several opportunities for involvement and could use some volunteer assistance. Please see opportunities below.

Booth Volunteers Needed:

Topeka Gives – Tuesday, June 2, 2015 from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Located inside Fairlawn Plaza Mall – 21st and Fairlawn. We could use a few volunteers throughout the day to help us talk to folks and take donations to Friends of the Kaw!

Boulevardia – Saturday, June 20, 2015 from 11am to 5pm and Sunday, June 21, 2015 from 12 to 5pm. Located in the historic West Bottoms, Kansas City! We need folks to help us talk about Friends of the Kaw!

Paddlers Needed – 4 to 6 per event – Locations tentative:

Wednesday, June 10 from 12:30 to 3:00pm at either Kill Creek Lake or Lake Lenexa – Lawrence Girls and Boys Club

Wednesday, June 17 from 12:30 to 3:00pm at either Kill Creek Lake or Lake Lenexa – Lawrence Girls and Boys Club

Wednesday, July 1 from 9am to 1pm at either Wyandotte County Lake or Lake Lenexa – Wy Co Girls and Boys Club

Wednesday, July 8 from 9am to 1pm at Lake Lenexa – KCMO Boys and Girls Club

Wednesday, July 22 from 9am to 1pm at Lake Shawnee, in Topeka – Topeka Girls and Boys Club

Wednesday, July 29 from 9am to 1pm at Lake Shawnee, in Topeka – Topeka Girls and Boys Club

*We are also asking for Float Assistants for our float trips…if you are an experienced paddlers and you have your own kayak…and you are interested in floating with Friends of the Kaw…please email the Riverkeeper at for details! Our float schedule is on our website at

Cleanup Float and Float Schedule


We have several cleanup floats scheduled including one this coming Saturday, May 9, 2015!  See our most current schedule below…

When you join our cleanup float, you will help us pick up trash in the Kansas River and on sandbars. We will set you up with a canoe or kayak, life jacket, paddle and a full crew of experienced paddlers and guides to help you learn as you go!  We will also stop on a sandbar and enjoy a hotdog and marshmellow roast!  So take a look at your calendar…and email Dawn Buehler, the Kansas Riverkeeper to sign up!  We have a limit for each float, so hurry and RSVP!

FOK Float Schedule

Friends of the Kaw has lots of opportunities to get on the river this spring and summer.  Many of the floats are paid for by grants so boat rental is free on a first come, first serve basis – participants must RSVP.  For educational floats scheduled by specific groups, any boats not used are available for the public to rent. RSVPs can be made two weeks before the float date.  Folks with there own boats are welcome to join any float but should RSVP to Dawn (our new Kansas Riverkeeper) in case there are last minute changes.

Saturday, May 9  from Cedar Creek to Edwardsville from 8:30am to 4pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.

Saturday, May 30 – Konza Rotary Float in the Manhattan area from 10am to 4pm. We will make the decision to float either Ogden to Manhattan, Manhattan to St. George or St. George to Wamego two days before the float depending on the predicited wind conditions. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boats for this float after May 16 or for more information.

Sunday, May 31 – Eudora Community Float!  Details coming soon…so stay posted and mark your calendar!

Saturday, June 6 – Cleanup Float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 10am to 2:30pm.
We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.

Sunday, June 7 – Shawnee Mission Unitarian Fellowship float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 1 to 5pm.  Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after May 24 or for more information.

Saturday, June 20 (Rescheduled) – Cleanup Float from Lawrence to Eudora from 10:00 am to 4:00pm.  Meet at the 8th Street Access Ramp. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. We will provide transportation to take participants back to Lawrence after the float. This is an activity of our Douglas County Natural and Cultural Heritage Grant.

Friday, July 3 – Mennonite Conference float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 2 to 5:30pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after June 19 or for more information.

Saturday, July 11 – Cleanup Float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 10am to 2:30pm.
We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.



We hope that you enjoyed the festival this year!  It was a pleasure to meet all of you and we hope that you will join us on an upcoming float, choose to volunteer or become a member – however you wish to be involved with Friends of the Kaw…we would love to have you join our team!

Congratulations to Jeannie Hawley – the big winner of the Kayak giveaway on Friday night!  Jeannie was thrilled and very surprised to win the kayak. Best wishes in your new journey with the kayak!

Kayak Raffle, Film Festival, and Float Schedule

Members Only Raffle for a Wilderness Systems Tarpon 120 ($920 value!)
Win Me!

Win Me!

Have you been wanting a kayak? You can participate in a “Members Only” Raffle for a Wilderness Systems Tarpon 120  sit-on-top kayak (value of $920 donated by Sunflower Outdoors & the Friends of the Kaw Board)!  If you aren’t a Friends of the Kaw member you can join for $15 and then buy as many $10 raffle tickets as you want. The raffle will be held in conjunction with the Wild & Scenic Film Festival – the drawing will take place at the finale of the Liberty Hall event. You DO NOT have to be present to win!  Buy your tickets at the Topeka Green Fair or at either film festival.

Film Festival Information

Thursday, April 30 at 7:30pm at the Glenwood Arts Theatre at Ranchmart Shopping Center at 95th & Mission Road

Friday, May 1 at 7:00pm at Liberty Hall in Lawrence at 644 Massachusetts

Adult Tickets $10 in advance or $12 at the door (suggested donation)

Tickets available at the box offices or online!  Click here for more information!

Thanks to our event sponsors:  Westar Green Team, Country Club Trust Company, Kansas Wildlife Federation, Kansas Land Trust, Kansas Canoe and Kayak Association and Jayhawk Audubon.

Student and Teacher Tickets are FREE
Courtesy of the Westar Green Team
with RSVP to 785 312 7200 or contact Laura.
(grade school, middle school & high school students must be accompanied by a teacher or parent)

All proceeds benefit Friends of the Kaw, a grassroots, non-profit, conservation organization that sponsors the Kansas Riverkeeper


FOK Float Schedule

Friends of the Kaw has lots of opportunities to get on the river this spring and summer.
Many of the floats are paid for by grants so boat rental is free on a first come, first serve basis – participants must RSVP.  For educational floats scheduled by specific groups, any boats not used are available for the public to rent. RSVPs can be made two weeks before the float date.  Folks with there own boats are welcome to join any float but should RSVP to Dawn (our new Kansas Riverkeeper) in case there are last minute changes.

Sunday, May 3 – Cleanup Float from Lawrence to Eudora from 1 to 6:30pm.  Meet at the 8th Street Access Ramp. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. We will provide transportation to take participants back to Lawrence after the float. This is an activity of our Douglas County Natural and Cultural Heritage Grant.

Saturday, May 9  from Cedar Creek to Edwardsville from 8:30am to 4pm. We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.

Saturday, May 30 – Konza Rotary Float in the Manhattan area from 10am to 4pm. We will make the decision to float either Ogden to Manhattan, Manhattan to St. George or St. George to Wamego two days before the float depending on the predicited wind conditions. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boats for this float after May 16 or for more information.

Saturday, June 6 – Cleanup Float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 10am to 2:30pm.
We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come, first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.

Sunday, June 7 – Shawnee Mission Unitarian Fellowship float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 1 to 5pm.  Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after May 24 or for more information.

Friday, July 3 – Mennonite Conference float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 2 to 5:30pm. Contact Dawn to inquire about available boat rentals for this float after June 19 or for more information.

Saturday, July 11 – Cleanup Float from De Soto to Cedar Creek from 10am to 2:30pm.
We will provide 5 canoes and 5 double kayaks at no cost on a first come first serve basis but participants MUST RSVP with Dawn or at 785 312 7200. This is an activity of our Johnson County Stormwater Grant.

Wild & Scenic Film Festival and Volunteer Opportunties

The Kansas Riverkeeper and Friends of the Kaw for the Sixth YearProudly Hosts Patagonia’s

Wild and Scenic Film Festival


Show Times and Locations:

2015WSFF_FOK_SmPoster_finalThursday, April 30 at 7:30pm at the Glenwood Arts Theatre
at Ranchmart Shopping Center at 95th & Mission Road

Friday, May 1 at 7:00pm at Liberty Hall in Lawrence
644 Massachusetts

Adult Tickets $10 in advance or $12 at the door (suggested donation)

Tickets available at the box office or online.  Click here for more information!

Student and Teacher Tickets are FREE with RSVP to 785 312 7200, or contact Laura.
Courtesy of the Westar Green Team
(Grade school, middle school & high school students must be accompanied by a teacher or parent.)

All proceeds benefit Friends of the Kaw, a grassroots, non-profit, conservation organization that sponsors the Kansas Riverkeeper


Volunteers needed for Earth Day Booths & Film Festival!


If you can help us at either event please e-mail Dawn.

Opportunities to work at the Earth Day events:

Saturday, April 11 – Earth Day Celebration from 11am to 1:30pm or 1:30 to 4pm at South Park.

Saturday, April 18 – Party for the Planet at the Topeka Zoo in Gage Park from 9am to 12noon or 12 noon to 3pm.

Sunday, April 19 – Topeka Green Fair from 1 to 4pm at the City/County Library

We will set up the booths, have all the materials and train you at the beginning of your shift. Thanks – these are really fun events and you meet lots of interesting people.

Film Festival opportunities (for either April 30 at Glenwood Arts or May 1 at Liberty Hall):

Set-up – 2 volunteers (6:30pm-7:30pm)
Arrive at Leawood Theater and assist staff in setting up raffle, membership, merchandise, and other tables. Help hang banners.

Clean-up – 1 volunteer (9pm-9:30pm)
Assist staff in packing up materials and loading into vehicles.

Greeters – 2 volunteers (7-7:45pm)
Stand at entrance and greet all guests, answer any questions anyone has, direct to theater and outreach tables.

Ticket sales, Education Will call – 1 volunteer (6:45-7:30pm)
check in will call list for free educational tickets and add non-RSVP educational guests

Merchandise table – 1 volunteer (7-7:30, 9-9:30- before and after program)
Collect payment for any Friends of the Kaw merchandise sales. You will be trained on taking payments.

Membership/Outreach table – 2 or 3 volunteers (7-7:30, 9-9:30- before and after program and during intermission)
Man the outreach booth and hand out membership forms, river maps and just talk about the Kaw! Register attendees for door prizes and sell Kayak Raffle tickets to members for $10 each.

Photographer – 1 volunteer (7:15-9:30pm)
Photograph the event