Approximately 1.7 miles downriver from the Topeka Low-Head Dam
Shawnee County
River Mile: 85.3
GPS: 39.06434, -95.67542
what3words: ///headed.solve.second
This is the first of two old railroad bridges that fell into the river immediately downstream of the existing railroad bridge at river mile 85.3, between the Topeka Water Plant Low-Head Dam and Access Ramp and the Seward Avenue/Fool’s Landing Access Ramp.
This area can be a hazard in low water and paddlers should proceed with caution. If you see parts (pipe, iron, railroad ties, etc.) sticking up through the water, avoid them. Do not paddle close to them as they are attached to the old bridge and parts of it may be just below the water. It would be very dangerous to entangle your boat or yourself in this structure. Even if you do note see any obstructions, they may be just below the water’s surface. Paddling past this bridge on the right (south) bank is the best option.
Game Warden Covering Shawnee County: 785-230-4434