Environmental Stewardship Lesson Plan

Title: Kansas Riverkeeper Sandbar Presentation
Overview: Discuss what the Kansas River means to students everyday life

Suggested Grade: 4th grade

Objective: Inform the students of the need to take care of the Kansas River

Materials: Friends of the Kaw display board (if weather permits)

Methods: Direct Instruction


An explanation of the role of the Riverkeeper can be found on the Riverkeeper webpage

What is a river keeper?
Why is there a need for a river keeper?

What does it mean to “take care” of the Kansas (Kaw) River? The emphases will be on the following:

When you turn on water to wash your hands at home or school, where does that water comes from?
Focus on who gets water from the Kaw and other sources for Lawrence and water treatment plant.

When you flush the toilet at home or school where do you think the water goes?
Focus on wastewater treatment plant and return of clean water to Kaw.

We know that the Kaw is important to us because we get and return water to the river, who else needs water from the river?
Focus on how plants and animals need the Kaw.
Focus on not littering and what happens to litter when it rains.

What can YOU do to help the Kaw?

Evaluation: Pre and Post test and drawing exercise

Resources: Friends of the Kaw display board can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the image below; Kids 4 the Kaw What You Can Do page can be projected without downloading

FOTK Display-show3.cdr

The Kansas (Kaw) River is important to our everyday life. Many homes, schools and businesses use river water that is purified by their city water treatment plant for drinking, cooking and washing. Also, waste water from toilets, garbage disposals and washing machines is treated by the city and returned to the Kaw.

“Everyone lives down stream” describes how all of us are affected by the health of the river and how important clean water is to our society as well as the plants and animals that depend on the river. The picture below gives some ideas on how you can do your part to protect the Kaw.