August has been beautiful, bring on the September floats!!
The Friends of the Kaw Dad/Sons float trip on August 9th was enjoyed by all. As shown in the photo above, during the break from floating the boys enjoyed nice swim! Many fish and bald eagles were spotted on the trip and instead of hot dogs, the treat of choice for the August float was watermelon! The sand bar and nice cloudy day were enjoyed by everyone.
In September we have floats planned on Saturday 6, 13 and 20. Anyone with their own canoe or kayak are welcome to join any of our floats – just be sure to call and let us know you’re coming so if we have any last minute changes we can get in touch. Also, for any of our floats we rent out the available canoes or kayaks not used by the group. September is a beautiful month to be on the Kaw, so come join us!
Catfish Fry!
Friends of the Kaw welcomes you to join us for one of our most popular events of the year – the Catfish Fry at Abe & Jake’s Landing in Lawrence, KS. Tickets may be purchased online for $10 in advance or for $12 at the door. Enjoy a catfish dinner, a live band, a great exhibit on the Kansas Riverkings, and lots of fun and conversation about the Kaw. You do not want to miss this event!
Rain Garden Maintenance and Cleanups
Friends of the Kaw will be maintaining the rain garden near the DeSoto ramp on September 6th before the float at 9am. There will be many more opportunities to volunteer with other Kansas River maintenance and river cleanups and we encourage you volunteer a few hours helping us take care of our amazing river, which is a National River Trail and a 172 mile Kansas gem of sandbars and wildlife. Thank you!