Lawrence Riverfront Park East/8th Street Access Ramp
Next to the Lawrence Riverfront Park Mountain Bike Trails
North 8th St. and Oak Street
Lawrence, KS
Douglas County
River Mile: 51
GPS: 38.972, -95.21639
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Access Ramp: River Left
Directions: From I-70 take the east Lawrence Exit 204 and follow U.S. 59 south into Lawrence approximately 3 miles. Drive under the railroad overpass and turn east (left) at the stop light on to Locust Street. From Locust Street, turn south (right) on 8th Street and drive south for 3 blocks. Drive over the levee and follow the road to the gravel parking lot.
Access Information: This is a heavily used park on warm-season weekends. The gravel parking lot also has access to the Lawrence Riverfront Park Mountain Bike trails and the Lawrence River Trails. The ramp is narrow and has a tendency to silt in after high water, so you might bring a flat nose shovel to clean the lower ramp. You can also call the City of Lawrence Parks and Recreation office to request a clean-up if the mud is significant.
Friends of the Kaw and Native Lands LLC completed a riparian native plant restoration project in 2020 with funds provided by the Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council. A kiosk with information about the project is located at the trailhead.
Amenities: Restroom, trash can, and informational kiosk on site. Limited lighting after hours. The walk to the nearest convenience store is about 1.5 miles.
Paddle Information: The next access is about 9 miles downriver to the Eudora Access Ramp at river mile 42. This paddle sometimes allows for good viewing of bald eagles. If you plan to take out at the Eudora Access Ramp, be sure to review the instructions on entering the Wakarusa River. Accessing the Wakarusa River can be difficult if Clinton Reservoir releases into the Wakarusa River are above 250 cfs.
Game Warden Covering Douglas County: 785-256-1204