Eudora Access Ramp
Main Street
Eudora, KS
Douglas County
River Mile: 42
GPS: 38.94999, -95.09963
what3words: ///mass.fumes.appeal
Access Ramp: River Right
The access ramp is on the Wakarusa River. The Kansas River is about 3/4 mile downstream.
Directions: From K-10 take the west Eudora Exit (E 2200 Road) and go north. At N 1400 Rd (stop sign) go west to Main Street. Go north on Main Street through downtown. Turn left into the Eudora Public Works parking lot and the boat ramp is in the northwest corner.
Access Information: Access has a paved parking lot with adequate parking and a picnic shelter. Many fisherfolk launch here and there is a platform for fishing near the ramp. The ramp is wide enough for one vehicle with an approximately 12% grade and is grooved for traction. Be aware that the toe drops steeply.
Amenities: Trash can, picnic shelter, fishing platform and informational kiosk on site. Restrooms are sometimes provided for special events if you call ahead to Eudora Parks & Recreation. They are not available otherwise. Lighting is minimal after hours. The walk to the nearest convenience store is about 1.5 miles.
Paddle Information: The next downstream access is the De Soto Access Ramp, 10.7 miles downstream at river mile 31.3. This trip features a lazy, shady paddle down the Wakarusa before entering the Kansas River. Scout the De Soto Access Ramp prior to your trip. It has a recurring sandbar that partially or completely blocks the ramp and the ramp is sometimes closed for events in the summer.
When navigating to the Eudora Access Ramp from the Kansas River, you will need to turn upstream to access the boat ramp on the Wakarusa River. This turn is located about ½ mile past the Eudora Kansas River Bridge and the mouth of the Wakarusa is on river right, but can be hard to see. You will make a hard right turn to go up the Wakarusa River then paddle about ¾ mile to the access ramp.
Note that the Eudora Access Ramp is sometimes not an ideal take out for those paddling down the Kansas River. When releases from Clinton Reservoir into the Wakarusa reach 250 CFS and above, the current becomes difficult to impossible for upstream paddling. When water is not being released, the current is slow and paddling is usually doable for any level of boater. Check Clinton Reservoir releases here.
Game Warden Covering Douglas County: 785-256-1204

Click here to see a video of the approach to the Eudora Access Ramp from the Kansas and Wakarusa Rivers.