Linear Park/Blue River Access Ramp
Within Linear Park
Manhattan, KS
Riley County
River Mile: 147.5
GPS: 39.19166, -96.53766
what3words: ///visitors.rightly.carriage
Access Ramp: River Left
The access ramp is on the Blue River. The Kansas River is about 1/3 mile downstream.
Directions: From I-70 take the Manhattan Exit 313 and go 8 miles north on K-177 to Manhattan. After crossing the Kansas River bridge take the ramp marked North 177. Follow the signs to U.S. 24 and turn east toward Wamego. The turn-off for Linear Park is about 1 mile on the right just before you reach the Blue River.
Access Information: This access on the west bank of the Blue River is well-maintained and has ample parking. This is a multi-use park with access to the Manhattan Linear Trail walking/biking trail around the city. The ramp is wide enough for one vehicle.
Amenities: Restroom, trash can, informational kiosk and lighting. The walk to the nearest convenience store is about .5 mile. There are also local restaurants and grocery stores a short drive away.
Paddle Information: The next access is the St. George/Boggs Landing Access Ramp 11.5 miles downstream at river mile 137.
Game Warden Covering Riley County: 784-256-3614