Kids About Water (KAW) Program

The goal of the KAW Program is to develop an understanding of water quality, watersheds and stormwater runoff, and their relationship to each other.  The five individual lessons align with the Kansas Next Generation Science Standards. The curriculum targets students in grades 6-12 and involves a Project Based Learning approach. The engaging lessons are taught by Friends of the Kaw staff and all supplies and equipment are provided. The program is supported by environmental education grants and contracts. 

Lesson 1- Introduction to Watersheds:  During this lesson students learn about how much usable water exists on the planet and how important it is to protect this natural resource.  Students will learn about the Kansas River watershed as well as their own local watersheds and the role each plays in providing water for all who depend upon it.

Lessons 2 –Stormwater Runoff:  Students will gain an understanding of what a watershed is by observing the slope of the school grounds and how water drains on and off the property.  They will learn the differences between pervious and impervious surfaces and the impacts each has on stormwater runoff.  Using a water frame they will calculate the approximate amount of runoff that could accumulate after 1” of rainfall on their school campus. 

Lesson 3 Field Investigation:  Students will use HACH kits to conduct water quality tests at a nearby water site.  This could be a river, lake, creek, stream or pond.  Students work in small teams where they will rotate through four stations conducting water quality tests and collecting data.  The stations will involve chemical and non-chemical tests as well as identifying macroinvertebrates and the value of each on the environment.  Click on the links provided for additional information pertaining to the individual tests performed: non-chemical tests (air and water temperatureturbidityconductivity and pH); chemical tests (phosphatesnitratescoliform bacteria); dissolved oxygen; and seining for and identifying macro invertebrates.

Lesson 4- Data Analysis:  Data collected from each of the water quality tests conducted during the Field Investigation lesson will be analyzed to determine the overall condition of that particular water site.  Sources of possible pollutants are discussed as well as the connections between runoff volumes and stream flow and their impact.  Best Management Practices (BMP) are shared and encouraged to help improve the water quality in our watersheds.   

Lesson 5- Project Based Learning/Action Plan: Teachers and students select a BMP or other environmental project to implement during the school year.  This project can be related, (but not limited), to improving the water quality at the particular water site where they obtained their test results.  When possible, support will be provided by Friends of the Kaw staff to work with the schools in the implementation of these projects. 


KAWS Virtual Classroom:

Friends of the Kaw is currently developing an online/remote KAWs curriculum for schools where we cannot teach the program in person.  The password protected link below provides access to those schools who will participate in that program.

Teacher, Student & Volunteer Materials (password required)

If you are a 6th – 12th grade science teacher and are interested in learning more about our upcoming online/remote KAWs program, please contact Kim Bellemere, Director of Programming and Outreach, at  Please note that the program will only be provided for schools within the Kansas River watershed.

