As a 501(c) non-profit, we work hard to find ways to fund our work. However, we take great pride in the fact that we are a non-government public advocate for the Kansas River. This means that our funding is entirely independent. We do occasionally receive grants for specific projects, however the bulk of our funding comes from our members, donors, and our fundraising events such as Beers of the Kaw and the Wild & Scenic Film Festival.
There are many ways that you can donate to our efforts. We are so grateful to whatever gift you can give, whether it is making a cash donation, or giving the gift of your time as a volunteer, or including us in your legacy planning. Each and every gift is valuable. Here are the ways in which you can give to Friends of the Kaw:
- Become a MEMBER
- Give a MEMBERSHIP as a Gift
- Give a MEMBERSHIP in Tribute
- Give from your Estate with a Planned Gift
- IRA Giving
- Give Stock

Shop at Dillons?
Get Friends of the Kaw as the Recipient Donor on your Dillon’s Shopping Account: FOK belongs to the Dillon’s Community Rewards Program! Simply register your Shopper Card online at https://www.dillons.com & choose FRIENDS OF THE KAW or our NPO Number QV810 to choose us to receive rebates. Helps us to protect the river!

Shop at AMAZON?
Set Friends of the Kaw as the Recipient Donor on your Amazon Shopping Account: go to www.amazon.com and choose Friends of the Kaw as your charity recipient!