Cleanup at the De Soto Ramp – Oct. 18
Friends of the Kaw is working with the City of De Soto and Westar Green Team to clean up an area on the Kaw just below the De Soto access ramp (see photo below) and we need some volunteer assistance. The clean up will start at 9:00am and end once the job is done or at 4pm so you can come for the morning or afternoon or both. The Green Team will be using a line truck to lift objects over to the ramp where a skid loader will transport heavy items up the ramp to a dumpster. Because we are using heavy equipment the activity on the ramp is not appropriate for kids under 18 years old. Younger folks are welcome to come and will be able to help do some maintenance on the demonstration rain garden near the access ramp or pick up litter in Riverfest Park.
Many of Friends of the Kaw’s group float trips start at the De Soto ramp and cleaning up this area will give float participants a better first impression of the river. We are grateful for the efforts of the City of De Soto and Westar Green Team and also a grant from REI to accomplish this clean up.
Please wear long pants, gloves and sturdy shoes that can get wet. We will do a hot dog roast for lunch at 12:30pm for volunteers.
It would help us get a count for the hot dog roast if folks would RSVP with the Kansas Riverkeeper – also contact us for more information!
Volunteer Water Monitoring Training
Friends of the Kaw is hosting a second 3 hour, hands-on, super fun volunteer training session on Saturday, October 18 from 1 to 4pm at the De Soto Access Ramp. In this training, you will conduct both chemical and non-chemical water monitoring tests. You will seine for macroinvertebrates and learn to identify them. You will measure impervious surface area and determine runoff volumes. You”ll have lots of fun and you might even accidentally learn something! Most of the training will be outside at a water site so please dress appropriately and wear shoes that can get wet! Lunch will be provided at 12:30pm.
We are training volunteers to help us with our new Kids About Water (KAW) project that we will implement in middle school and high school classes this year. We had six people attend the session on Oct. 7 and all had a great time.
For more information or to RSVP contact the Kansas Riverkeeper!