Chasing the Channel – Blog No. 28
Historic Legislative Bills…and fun on the river for 2023!

What a whirlwind start to 2023! I hope that each of you have started off 2023 on a good note and that you are already making plans for spring on the Kaw! I have so many things to update you about, so let’s get to it.
First, I would like to say what an honor it was to be invited to attend Governor Kelly’s State of the State Address at the Statehouse last month. It’s not very often that a small town farm girl gets the chance to do something like that. I soaked it all in, knowing that this is one of those rare opportunities that doesn’t come along every day. It was also wonderful to hear our Governor talk about water, how important it is to our entire state, and how her administration would make a water a priority in her second term.

I want to share with you the historic vote by the House Water Committee and the full Kansas House of Representative today in support of two water related bills. One of the bills is House Bill 2279 and it is centered around the Ground Water Management Districts, their conservation efforts and reporting. This bill should provide some help for the sustainment of the Ogallala Aquifer. The second bill is House Bill 2302 which sets aside 1.231% of state sales tax revenue to support the State Water Plan, as well as provide support to municipalities. We have been long time supporters for increasing the funds for water across our state. We have been advocating for years for funding and are so excited to see this advancement of the funding conversation. This effort has been bi-partisan and had wide ranging support from conservation organizations, municipalities and agricultural groups. It is great to see what we can do, when we do it together.
We applaud the House Water Committee for their vision, the Kansas Water Authority and Regional Advisory Committees for their efforts over the years, and the water related agencies for all the great work they do in support. You can learn more about these bills here: http://kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/committees/ctte_h_water_1/ . The next step for these bills is the Senate, so we are not done yet! Please write your Senator if you are in support of these water-related bills. You can find your Kansas Senator here: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/
You can learn more by reading this article today in the Kansas Reflector: https://kansasreflector.com/2023/02/22/theres-still-hope-kansas-house-advances-bills-to-help-save-ogallala-aquifer/

I also wanted to tell you today about Kansans for Conservation. Kansas for Conservation is a coalition of diverse organizations working collaboratively to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for Kansas, focused on water, land, outdoor recreation, and environmental education resources for Kansans. Friends of the Kaw became a member of the coalition when it began in 2017, when the group of organizations gathered to address the growing need for dedicated funding aimed at conservation in Kansas. This group conducted a feasibility study in 2018, a needs assessment in 2019 and incorporated as a 501(c)4 in 2022.
Kansans for Conservation provided proponent written testimony for House Bill 2302 outlining the need for the increased funding as well as the fundamental benefits that water conservation has for all other realms of conservation, including agriculture, wildlife, and recreation. You can read the coalition’s testimony on the website. https://www.kansansforconservation.org. We hope you will join us in supporting our statewide efforts to bring funding for conservation, focused on water, land, outdoor recreation, and environmental education for all Kansans.

So, who is ready for spring on the Kaw? We are!
To get ready for spring, we’ve got a few housekeeping things to do. First, please make sure you have renewed your membership! Members is due March 1 each year and is important to us for many reasons, including the financial support, your ability to get on the Kaw with us for FREE with your own boat, and to raise our voice! We can do more, when we do it together and nothing says “together” more at FOK than membership!
Second, join us for the 14th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival this year on Friday, March 3, 2023 at Liberty Hall in downtown Lawrence. We are thrilled to bring this event back year after year, so we can all gather and get inspired by these films. If you can’t join us on March 3, please go ahead and buy a ticket through Liberty Hall and then you can watch the films “on demand” for the few days after the event. We so very much appreciate your support for this event!

And…. we are getting river ready my friends. We have finished our calendar, although we will not open our events until we are about 6 weeks out. But mark your calendar for all of the great fun ahead including Beginner Wednesdays, Beginner Camping on the Kaw, and more!
Our annual Kaw River Guide Workshop is Sunday, May 7, 2023. If you have ever thought that this might be fun, come and join us. You just need your own boat and life jacket and an attitude to volunteer! We welcome everyone and hope you can join us for some fun this year helping others learn about kayaking the Kaw or helping us dig tires and debris out of our river! No matter what, we have fun even if it’s hard work! You can RSVP for the workshop here: https://forms.gle/TuZic2RJws9zkzFH9

Well, I hope that all of you have a great remainder of the winter season. If you know me, you know that I very much dislike winter, so I can’t wait for the spring days to stay. I look forward to seeing you all on the Kansas River this year. If you need help planning your trip, please reach out and I would be happy to help. You can also find a ton of information on our River Access Map.
Happy Paddling….and may you always have sand in your shoes.
For the river
Dawn Buehler
Kansas Riverkeeper