Clean Energy Day, Water Supply Priorities and River Cleanup

Clean Energy Day at the Capitol – Wednesday, February 25!


Kansans want a responsible energy plan to transition our state to clean, renewable energy like wind and solar and improvements in energy efficiency. Investments in a clean energy economy create and keep good jobs in communities across Kansas, save money for families and businesses in the long run, and improve our health and environment.

Let’s show our state leaders we support a clean energy plan!

9:00 a.m. – Advocate Briefing and Energy Policy Update at theKansas State Capitol Visitors Center (enter on 8th Street)

Remaining activities will take place on the 1st Floor Rotunda of the Capitol

9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Clean Energy Business and Community Booths

10:30 a.m. – Press Conference

11 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Meetings with Legislators

12 p.m. – 1 p.m. – Free Box Lunch

RSVP Online:

Booth Space Registration:

Directions & Parking:


Public Input Meeting for Setting Water Supply Goals for the Kansas River Basin

Kansas Water Regional Goal Leadership Teams to hear water supply priorities

Recently the 14 Regional Goal Leadership Teams met to begin the water supply goal setting process to help develop water supply goals for each region. The role of each team is to participate in a public scoping process in their region, develop and draft water supply goals for their region based on public input and available resource condition information.

Beginning in March, the 14 teams will be holding public meetings in their region to hear input from stakeholders and citizens that will assist each team with drafting the goals for the future water supply needs in each region. Recommended water supply goals should seek to implement the following Vision statement:

Kansans act on a shared commitment to have the water resources necessary to support the state’s social, economic and natural resource needs for current and future generations.

The public will be asked to share their input on specific topics that are water supply issues for their region. Trained facilitators from Kansas State University Research and Extension as well as the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy will be helping with the goal development and facilitate the public meetings. Region stakeholders and citizens are encouraged to attend one of the input sessions.

Monday, March 9

DeSoto, KS – 7 p.m., De Soto Senior Center, 32905 W. 84th Street

Wednesday, March 11

Manhattan, KS – 7p.m., Fire Department Headquarters, 2000 Denison Avenue

The teams will present the proposed draft regional water supply goals to the Kansas Water Authority in May 2015. The KWA will provide advice towards further development of the regional goals with final goals to be approved by the Authority in August 2015.

For more information on the upcoming public meetings in other regions to be held in March, water supply information about each region or read the final version of the Long-Term Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas, visit


Kansas River Cleanup on Saturday, March 14

Westar's line truck pulling debris from down river!Resutls from De Soto CleanupFriends of the Kaw will sponsor a cleanup on the Kaw from 9am to 2pm on Saturday, March 14.  Meet at the corner of 1550 Rd. (11th Street) and 1600 Rd. just east of Lawrence.  Wear long pants, long sleeved shirts, sturdy shoes and bring work gloves and a shovel.  We will be going down the bank to dig up tires and metal debris so this is not a good activity for kids under 12 years old. Westar Green Team will bring a line truck to lift tires and debris to the top of the bank. Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Waste Management will assist in recycling as much material as possible.  This is an activity of Friends of the Kaw’s Douglas County Natural and Cultural Heritage Grant. Rain date for this cleanup is Saturday, March 28. For more information call 785 312 7200 or contact the Kansas Riverkeeper.

Eagle Days and Upcoming Boat Show


EAGLE DAY POSTER AS JPGCome Visit Us at the Topeka Boat Show – February 6, 7, and 8

Friends of the Kaw will have a booth at the Topeka Boat Show at the Kansas Expocentre on February 6, 7, & 8. Laura Calwell, Kansas Riverkeeper, and Roger Wolfe, Kansas Dept. of Wildlife Parks and Tourism, will do a seminar on Kansas River Recreational Activities from 12:00 to 12:55pm on Saturday, February 7 at the venue stage. Folks who become a member of Friends of the Kaw at the show will get a free insulated coffee mug – memberships start at $15. Come visit us, learn about the Kansas River and get ready for spring paddling!

The Topeka Boat Show is at the Kansas Expocentre, on the SW Corner of Topeka Ave. & 17th St.

Friday, February 6 from 3 to 8 pm

Saturday, February 7 from 10am to 8pm

Sunday, February 8 from 11am to 3pm

Volunteers Needed, and LawrenceHits Radio Interview

Volunteers Needed!

Eagle Day at Free State High School in Lawrence

Eagle Day at Free State High School in Lawrence

Friends of the Kaw will have a booth at three events in the coming month! The Kaw Valley Eagle Day will be Saturday, January 24 at Free State High School in Lawrence from 9am to 4pm.  The Eagle Day at Kaw Point Park in Kansas City, KS takes place Saturday January 31 from 10am to 3pm.  The Topeka Boat Show will be at the Kansas Expocenter on February 6, 7, and 8. We need help manning these booths, particularly at the Topeka Boat Show event. (Bonus – you’ll get a free admission!)

Help is needed for the following shifts:

Eagle Day at Free State High School, 4700 Overland Drive, Lawrence, KS 66049
Saturday, January 24 from 8:45am to 12:30pm and 12:30 to 4:15pm

Eagle Day at Kaw Point Park, 1 Riverside Dr., Kansas City, KS 66101
Saturday, January 31 from 8:45am to 12:30pm and 12:30 to 4:15pm

The Topeka Boat Show at the Kansas Expocentre, on the SW Corner of Topeka Ave. & 17th St.

Friday, February 6 from 12:45 to 4:30pm and 4:30 to 8:15pm

Saturday, February 7 from 9:45am to 3:00pm and 3:00 to 8:15pm

Sunday, February 8 from 10:45am to 3:15pm

If you can help man our booth for any of these events please contact the Kansas Riverkeeper by email or phone (785 312 7200.)

Can’t volunteer this time? You can still stop by to learn about the Kansas River and may other conservation organizations, and take advantage of an opportunity to view the eagles and get ready for spring paddling!

Wild and Scenic Film Festival

Friends of the Kaw also needs volunteers to help plan and promote the Wild and Scenic Film Festival scheduled for May 1 at Liberty Hall, as well as volunteers who would like to view and rank the films that are available for this event. Again, if you can help, please contact the Kansas Riverkeeper by email or phone (785 312 7200.)

Radio Interview on LawrenceHits

Kansas Riverkeeper Laura Calwell joined Jay Wachs of  and Cile King from the League of Women Voters of Douglas County for a discussion of the KAW River and water quality in northeast Kansas on Wednesday 13, 2015.  To listen click HERE!


Support FOK in Fighting for Clean Water, and Year-End Review

Support Clean Water with a Gift for the Kaw!

Dear Friends,

In March of 2014, the Corps of Engineers (COE) announced that a new Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would be required to reauthorize dredging permits on the Kaw. The COE “was unable to conclude that there are no potentially significant impacts associated with the activities proposed by dredging companies.” The new EIS is a positive development, but there’s still work to do. Commercial sand and gravel dredging have seriously degraded the Kansas River, and to prevent additional damage all operations should move to appropriately sited pit mines in the Kansas River valley. When it comes time for the public meeting that will be held in the fall of 2015 we’ll need you to submit your comments in support of protecting the Kaw. We’ll keep you updated!

desoto kiosk

DeSoto Kiosk

The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, with the assistance of the National Park Service and Friends of the Kaw, has continued to improve the Kansas River Water Trail.  With the participation of Westar’s Green Team informational kiosks have been built at many of the access ramps, including the De Soto ramp.

In June of 2015, our Kansas Riverkeeper, Laura Calwell, was honored by the River Network as a River Hero.  This award is peer-nominated and given yearly to five individuals who have dedicated themselves to protecting our most vital natural resource—water.  After years of service, Laura will be retiring in the near future, so we are actively seeking applications for a new Kansas Riverkeeper.  Visit the job description page for more details.

river hero

River Hero Awards

Finally, as we approach the end of the year, please consider making a tax-deductible gift via PayPal or by sending a check to Friends of the Kaw, P.O. Box 1612, Lawrence, KS 66044.  Your gift will support efforts to protect the river, including getting dredging operations out of the river. Already an FOK member? Consider giving a membership as a holiday gift! Over 800,000 Kansans depend on the Kaw for drinking water, and it is only through working together that we can protect this valuable resource for future generations.

Thank you for your continued support of Friends of the Kaw. From all of us at FOK, have a wonderful holiday season and best wishes for the new year!

Warm regards,

Jim Walton, President

Your gift to Friends of the Kaw helps FOK keep dredging out of the river, report and follow up on pollution violations, advocate for reduction of stormwater pollution from both urban and rural areas, and demand enforcement of the Clean Water Act.

2014 FOK Accomplishments


Friends of the Kaw’s first priority is to physically monitor the river, report suspected pollution and mediate a solution.


  • Documentation and monitoring of sand dredging operations by visually monitoring dredge sites and communicating with the Corps of Engineers. Following progress for new Environmental Impact Statement.

Pollution & Policy

  • Responded to eight pollution reports including trash, concrete & asphalt dumping, oil spill in KCK; questionable application of herbicides in Lawrence; questionable waste management practices; and a questionable discharge from a pit mine operation.
  • With assistance from Westar’s Green Team, KDHE, REI and the City of De Soto cleaned up the area just below the De Soto access ramp.  Ww also made arrangements to clean up 500 tires and other debris below a Westar power line just east of Lawrence for March of 2015.
  • Kansas Riverkeeper is a member of the Governor’s River Recreation Committee charged with promoting the Kansas River National Water Trail and the Kansas Lower Republican Basin Advisory Committee representing recreation.
  • Provided input for the Vision for the Future Water Supply in Kansas via the Basin Advisory Committee and a consortium of Kansas environmental organizations.
  • Promoted and made comments on EPA’s Waters of the U.S. Proposed Rule.


Our goal is to increase awareness of the Kaw as a drinking water source for 800,000 Kansans and access to the river.

  • Organized and led twelve educational float trips for over 400 people.
  • Provided five Boys and Girls Club paddling experiences in conjunction with day camps organized by the National Park Service and Freedom’s Frontier.  Thanks to our volunteers who spent the morning paddling with the kids!
  • Worked with the KS Department of Parks, Wildlife and Tourism and the National Park Service on promotion of the KS River Water Trail, and helped organize a community float attended by over 50 paddlers on October 8, 2014.
  • Presented at over thirty educational outreach events at schools, outdoors shops, churches and community gatherings in the Kansas River valley, reaching over 7,500 people in the community.
  • Received six grants for a total of $33,500 for river cleanups, floats and stormwater education (both urban and rural.)
  • Developed the Kids About Water (KAW) project, a water quality issues and actions curriculum for grades 6 -12.
  • Recruited volunteers for De Soto Rotary’s Winesong event (FOK was one of the beneficiaries!)
  • Fundraising Events: Catfish fry in Lawrence and the Annual Dinner and Silent Auction at Olathe’s Bass Pro Shop.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS!  The Wild and Scenic Film Festival will be held on April 30 at the Glenwood Theater in Overland Park and on May 1 at Liberty Hall in Lawrence.